Be The Keeper Of The Flame!

. . . While at a conference in Kentucky, while one of the speakers of the conference was sharing, the Lord began to speak to me and I wrote the word down. The next day the Lord had me hand it to the leader during the service and as He began to read the word aloud in the conference the Lord, came in a sovereign move of the spirit and two thirds of the people at the conference fell on the floor!

The assigned speaker for that morning decided to move aside to allow God to do his work rather than interrupt what the Holy Spirit was doing and for two hours people lay on the floor as the Lord ministered to them.  The Lord told me about two years ago that the word I received was not only for that conference (yesterday), but that it was also for today and in the future (tomorrow) so I am keeping it posted on our website:

The Lord is saying to “Be The Keeper Of The Flame!”  The fire is burning, but it needs to be continually maintained – so that it may increase.  The fire is hot but it is not hot enough! Stoke It! Fan It! Put more wood on it so that the fire will be fresh in the morning.

The Lord says – “I Am the Flame of God and I have put a flame in your hearts, this my burning desire for you.  Let the flame consume you, let the fire become hotter so that I may purify you into pure gold, let me refine you.  Do not be afraid of my refining for it is my perfect work in you.  Allow me to burn away the dross, the impurities that make the gold imperfect.

My desire is that my bride be without spot or wrinkle.  I clothe her in fine linen woven with gold all glorious within her palace (Ps. 45).  She will be brought to the king in robes of many colors and I greatly desire her beauty because I Am the Lord.

So allow me to increase the flame and passion in your lives and you will walk through the fire.  It may be hot but you will come out untouched and unharmed but pure, beautiful and glorious.  But you have to keep the flame burning for my work to be done in you.  So stoke the fire, let it get hotter for it is not hot enough for  Me to do My purifying work in you – for the pure gold to come forth.

I am sending forth the spirit of Elijah to the church but in order to move in the power and anointing of Elijah you need to know, allow and endure the works of the refining fire! So allow the Flame of God to do His works in you!

Be Free To Soar! – Pamela