Mounting Up With The Wings Of An Eagle!. . .

. . . Last week, one morning, I awoke in the midst of a dream from the Lord. In my dream I found myself walking down a dirt roadway or wide path in a wooded area with others.  As we  walked I felt a swish of something above my head and saw a large shadow on the ground.  I looked up to see what had flown down and swooped over me and saw a large bird and realized that it was a bald eagle and pointing to it I said “Look, a bald eagle!”

Immediately after I spoke, another bald eagle flew in from another direction and as we watched more eagles flew in from different directions and began to gather.  Some were bald eagles and others were not, in which I thought they might be golden eagles.  As they flew in to gather they were flying in a circling pattern.  As we continued to look there were more eagles than we could number, circling together as if forming a tornado with the sky being gray and overcast.

Next, I saw a flash of light and looked towards it and saw that a White Eagle had suddenly appeared in the flash and joined the other circling eagles.   Again, pointing at it and I exclaimed in awe “Look, it’s a White Eagle!” and as I said this, the White Eagle stopped in mid air and looked at me, then disappeared as it flew among the other eagles.  I then spotted it a second time and said “Look, there it is again!” and again the White Eagle stopped in mid air and looked at me, then continued to take the lead as it circled with the other eagles as the dream ended.

When I awoke, I realized that the Lord was showing me that He is gathering His eagles and that they are preparing to move and ready to take flight.  They were flying in a holding pattern much like an airplane that circles an airport, waiting for the command from the tower.

The White Eagle represented the Lord and He was at the lead waiting for the command from the Tower, the Father, to take flight and lead the other circling eagles who were waiting to move with Him.  I realized that the bald eagle that had flown over me was making me aware of this movement saying “We are gathering now and we have come to get you, join us.”  Each time the White Eagle stopped to look at me, as if to say “Here I am, and now’s the time, I am preparing to move and I am taking flight at the command of My Father and I have an army with Me – Are you ready?  Are you prepared to soar with Me?”

There are many who have been frustrated in the last several years because they felt as if they have been put on hold by the Lord and that they have been in a holding pattern.  The holding pattern has been a waiting period where the Lord has required us to rest from previous movements, for at the end of these movements the strength was diminished, in order for us to rest.  In this time period, He has had us on hold, waiting and resting so that our strength can be renewed, preparing us for this next move which would require us to mount up with new strength in our spiritual wings to soar upon the winds as the Lord leads us.

Isaiah 40:31, the basis of our ministry, calls us to soar with Him saying “Those who wait upon the Lord, will renew their strength, they will mount up with the wings of an eagle, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint!”  The holding pattern is coming to an end!  And the Lord is ready to move and take flight at the command, so be prepared to mount up and soar with Him for this movement will be swift, fast and powerful!

Be Free To Soar! – Pamela