The Eagles Are Coming!. . .
While at a class on Saturday, November 16th, as I was worshiping, I began to receive a prophetic word…“A fresh wind is blowing and the eagles are coming riding, soaring upon this wind!”
Two days later the Lord continued the word, saying “Eagles know how to ride the currents, whether peaceful or stormy. The eagles are launching and maneuvering into position, positioning themselves into formation for the next new move of God…a new thing is coming! And Jesus is in the lead, the captain of the Lord of hosts, heading up the hosts of eagles!”
I had a dream this last September, and in the dream, my mother was trying to wake me up saying “The eagles are coming! The eagles are coming!”. My thoughts in the dream was the “Eagles” were going to have a concert and I got up to look into her purse to see if she had tickets and found some. Then, the dream switched to me sitting with my dad discussing eagles. As I was dreaming the holy spirit was singing the song “Oh Yah, Let God Arise!” in my spirit.
While speaking with a friend, we talked the interpretation of the dream…
…The “Eagles” represent the eagles of God, the prophets and prophetic ministry, they rise above the storms effortlessly with a back draft of wind which carries them higher and into the Kingdom realm.
…“The eagles are coming!” represent they are on their way, but not here yet, it is a time of preparation.
…The “concert” represents worship, that there will be an extended time of worship which will take place but has not happened yet.
…The “tickets” represent that there is an abundance of seats for the eagles that are coming.
…The song “Oh Yah, Let God Arise!” was a call to arise to the occasion for a fresh move of God that is arising.
…My mother, trying to wake me up represents that it’s time to get up and not drift between slumbering to awakeness, but to stay awake.
…My father and I discussing “eagles” was about the characteristics of eagles.
In conclusion…It’s time for the eagles to awaken and arise on the fresh wind of the Spirit that’s coming…for God is on the move, His kingdom is coming! And it’s His wind which will carry us and we need be ready for the distance that this wind will take us in this move of Jesus, that it’s time for! Awaken, eagles of God! And arise!
Be Free To Soar!…Pamela