Worship Art Center…Coming Soon!

Worship Art Center – is where conferences and special events will take place which features a prophetic dance and drama ministry The Art of Worship team and blends beautifully into any church’s worship setting to bring a fresh touch of God’s heart through a throne room experience along with providing evangelistic drama for street ministry purposes.  We have a dedicated space devoted to 24/7 Davidic prophetic worship & intercession.

Art of Worship. . .is a prophetic dance and drama ministry which blends beautifully into any church’s wor-ship setting bringing a fresh touch of God’s heart through a throne room experience.  Many have been blessed by our expression of worship. [read more]

Conferences. . .we will be hosting prophetic worship & teaching conferences featuring  main stream teachers and worship talents to develop a fresh taste of the kingdom of heaven.

Special Events. . .we will be hosting special events throughout the year focusing on the major holidays and Jewish feasts.  This will include worship, dance and drama from The Art of Worship team along with fundraising banquets to raise support for the areas of support that needs funding.