Welcome to Eagles of Glory. . .

. . . Our vision is to be a healing, training, equipping, conference and Worship Art Center with an emphasis on Freedom!  Freedom for those who need to be saved, healed and delivered from the circumstances they find themselves in as believers and unbelievers.  Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! (2 Cor 3:17 NIV) 

. . . Our emphasis is devoted to kingdom expansion through promoting unity between denominations within the body of Christ to build bridges between churches and communities for the purpose of redeeming the lost for Christ through the following components:

Worship Art Center. . .is where conferences and special events will take place and features The Art of Worship, a prophetic dance and drama ministry which also blends beautifully into any church’s worship setting. . .bringing a fresh touch of God’s heart through a throne room experience along with providing evangelistic drama for street ministry purposes.  Check out our upcoming events page to see what upcoming events are taking place.

Eagle’s Eye. . .a report of current and timely prophetic insights, dreams and revelations released from the Lord for the purpose of revealing His reflective insights from the heavenly realm.

EOG Missions. . .locally, we minister in the Chicagoland area with our Street Ministry to disadvantaged neighborhoods.  The Art of Worship provides dance and drama to these events and to local area churches. Through Short-term Missions, internationally, we have traveled to various countries which has included utilizing our dance, drama and Street ministry to accomplish evangelistic goals world wide.

Counseling & Healing Center. . .the church is to be an effective healing center focusing on spiritual, emotional and physical healings and our intent is to provide a biblical perspective to minister to those in need.  The healing center will also feature the Chicago Healing Rooms, a place to go to for physical healing

Training & Equipping Center. . .it is our goal to release believers into true callings and destinies by building firm foundations through our training and equipping center in multiple areas of ministry.  Visit our Train & Equip tab to see the different areas to develop and mature your gifts and callings.

Esther & Mordecai. . .this is our intercession team along with being a women’s and men’s ministry through Esther’s Chambers and Mordecai’s Gate.  Both Esther & Mordecai were intercessors who changed the destiny of the Israel nation by seeking the one true God who could intervene.

Upcoming Events. . .keep up to date with our ministry and events which we have posted on it the latest conferences and special events taking place.