While at a class on Saturday, November 16th, as I was worshiping, I began to receive a prophetic word…“A fresh wind is blowing and the eagles are coming riding, soaring upon this wind!” Two days later the Lord continued the word, saying “Eagles know how to ride the currents, whether peaceful or stormy. The eagles are launching and maneuvering into position, positioning themselves into formation for the next new move…Keep Reading
A new weekly bible study will be starting up next year via zoom Thursday nights at 7:00p ct beginning January 16, 2025. Please contact us and let us know if you are interested in joining.
One morning, I was sitting in the peace and presence of the Lord, because I focused my heart on him. Ituned my heart to see the Lord and perceive him speaking into my spirit. I sensed or perceived himsaying to me:My throne is a of throne of mercy and grace.(see Hebrews 4:14-16 TPT)Tell my people to stop throwing dirt into the air! I asked: Lord, what are you saying?My children,…Keep Reading
. . .I heard the word “Compassion!” and I asked the Lord the expand on this. And He said “ Come with passion! ” There is a song called “Light the Fire Again” and the main verse says “Don’t let my love grow cold, I’m calling out…Light the fire again” There are times when our love grows cold, we get tired and weary from the daily difficulties in life. Jesus…Keep Reading
. . . Eagles of Glory ministry emphasis is devoted to kingdom expansion through promoting unity between denominations within the body of Christ to build bridges between churches and communities for the purpose of redeeming the lost for Christ through the following components:
. . . One morning, I awoke in the midst of a dream from the Lord. In my dream I found myself walking down a dirt roadway or wide path in a wooded area with others. As we walked I felt a swish of something above my head and saw a large shadow on the ground. I looked up to see what had flown down and swooped over me and…Keep Reading
. . . While at a conference in Kentucky, while one of the speakers of the conference was sharing, the Lord began to speak to me and I wrote the word down. The next day the Lord had me hand it to the leader during the service and as He began to read the word aloud in the conference the Lord, came in a sovereign move of the spirit and…Keep Reading