Statement of Faith . . .

The Beliefs of Our Faith...We believe the following principles form the basis of our ministry by the light God has given us through His Word in the Holy scriptures written in the Holy Bible were breathed upon and inspired by God.

We believe. . .

. . .that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was conceived in the virgin by the Holy Spirit (Lk.1:26-38 NKJ) and was sent to us by God the Father to redeem mankind from his fallen state.
. . .man was created in the image of God fell into sin when tempted by Satan and became alienated and separated from our Heavenly Father (Gen. 1-3 NKJ). And the only way to the our Father is through His son Jesus.
. . .God so loved the world that He sent His only and begotten Son, Jesus, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved (John 3:16-17 NKJ).
. . .that in our fallen state we are sinners and need repentance and salvation in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.  And Jesus provided our salvation when He became the sacrificial lamb on our behalf and traded places with us because He truly does love us, delights in us and values us as His treasures.
. . .that for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, He died that we might live and know eternal life and
resurrection power and be called guiltless, blameless and innocent before the throne of God.
. . .that His life did not end there, but that Jesus defeated and conquered death, overcame it, triumphed over the enemy and rose again in three days in His resurrection.  And is now seated on the throne of Heaven, the throne of grace, the mercy seat, next to God the Father at His right hand reigning and ruling in victory in His ascension..that as believer’s in Jesus Christ we are to be born again, baptized through water immersion, receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit and enter into communion with Him through the Lord’s supper.
. . .and finally, that through His death and resurrection, that we too have defeated death, overcome it, triumphed over the enemy and have risen with Him to be seated at His right hand in heavenly places in the Glory realm reigning and ruling in victory with Him!